Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day: Can the USA "Rejoin the World"?

Another perfect Fall Day in Asheville.............and an historic day for the country, I hope...the beginning of a tough but rewarding climb out of the economic and spiritual morass the USA has sunk into during the past eight years. Just think how the rest of the world will see us if we elect Barack. Maybe people will begin to forgive our government its hubris.
Nicholas Kristof's column in the Sunday NY Times was titled, "Rejoin the World". His suggested ways the US could signal and new beginning and "re-friend" our allies (and make some new friends.....). One suggestion was to close Guantanamo Prison and turn in into a research center on tropical diseases that afflict poor countries. Another was to cooperate with other countries on humanitarian efforts, including family planning. And probably most importantly, he suggests that "The new President should signal that we will no longer confront problems just by blowing them up".
What a concept.
Here's hoping we are celebrating tonight.

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