Sunday, March 22, 2009

Where is Art Going?

This is the title of an article in the March issue of ARTnews. It poses such questions as, how will artists survive? How will the market change? And, on a deeper level, how will creativity be affected? Artists, curators and other Art World people are interviewed, and I find a lot of hope in what they say. For instance, Gary Garrels of SF MOMA says, “We’re going to see a shift toward work that is more psychological and introspective”. This is good, right???

As we artists find the ground shifting beneath our feet, one option is to come up less expensive ways to make art. A woman in the article, Ellen Harvey, is working her way through all the materials she has in her studio. That effort will not only save money, it will no doubt result in many “happy accidents” of creativity.

For me, making more and smaller things seems to be a good option right now. I believe that in these uncertain times, there is a general longing for hand made work. People are consuming less, and my hope is that rather than buy that big new TV and feeding the “big box” store, some might consider buying a piece of local, original art. Something to feed the soul.

I am determined to continue to see the upside of this recession, to trust that in the long run we will build a stronger community. And to do all I can to remain true to myself while working harder every day to be smart, practical, compassionate and, of course, creative.

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