Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A Few Words about Lent on Ash Wednesday

The old Teutonic word “Lent” meant simply the Spring season. But like a lot of other things, the Catholics robbed the Pagans and changed its meaning. Some of us who have never been Catholic choose to honor the season by giving something up. The idea is to do without one thing you love for the 40-day period, symbolizing the Lenten season's return to simplicity and purity. It doesn't matter what you give up - chocolate, television, Facebook - as long as the meaning of its absence holds significant value to you. I traditionally chose chocolate, which is actually a lot easily to forgo than a lot of other “significant” things (like March Madness). For me, it’s about mindfulness: when I say no to that Cadbury Fruit and Nut bar, I am reminded to be more present. It’s that simple. And then on Easter I can bite off the heads of all the chocolate bunnies I want.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oy! You are a better woman than I am. I have given up negativity - for Lent and hopefully forever - otherwise, I will see you at Easter...I'll be the one complaining :)