Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Taking Stock Mid-Year

My mantra for 2009 has been “Embrace Uncertainty”. When I started this blog in early 2009, I was looking toward cyberspace for marketing and sales opportunities, feeling hopeful that this was the new reality. I was willing to jump in, put my work on the 1000 Markets, Zatista, etc. It’s been an interesting experiment, but it feels to me that things have come full circle – back to more face to face networking and local projects – actually more than before the current financial crisis turned our worlds upside down.

While working on a series of linocuts earlier this year, I wrote something about how I thought one positive outcome from this recession would be that people would want to go back to buying handmade things, rather than more electronics or a new car. That was wishful thinking at the time, but I think it’s actually happening. I can feel the difference in my studio – more people coming in and really appreciating my iconic imagery and the direct experience of seeing and touching original paintings. Wanting to meet and talk to the person who made the art rather than seeing it in a gallery.

My palette has softened this year, and that’s been challenging, too. The imagery is more mysterious again, and it looks more like a code, or the primitive expression of basic life forms.

I have certainly not given up on the internet (or this blog)…. although I finally gave up trying to use Twitter. I do still enjoy Facebook, and I think it can be a fun and effective networking tool. (or a big black hole…..)

Onward to the remainder of 2009….thank you to all who inspire me and support my creative work.